Policy Briefs
Global Supply Chains
- The China Wash: Tracking Products to Identify Tariff Evasion Through Transshipment [PDF]
- The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF): What It Is, What It Isn’t, and What It Could Be [PDF]
- U.S.-Mexico Relations and Global Pharmaceutical Supply Chains [PDF]
- Summary of the CCD and IGCC Roundtable: The Future of Global Supply Chains The Next GVC Report [PDF]
- Conference on USMCA and Global Supply Chains An Assessment After One Year [PDF]
- Designing an International Economic Order: A Research Agenda [PDF]: CCD Director Renee Bowen and CCD Associate Director J. Lawrence Broz identify the current threats facing international organizations, discuss solutions to address these threats, and highlight methods of leadership for building a broad base of support in these institutions.
- Why Are Some Nations More Interested in Following China’s Global Economic Leadership Than Others?: UC San Diego's Center for Commerce and Diplomacy (CCD) Associate Director J. Lawrence Broz and co-authors address this question.
- Legalization of International Institutions and Its Discontents: Does WTO Disadvantage Big Powers? [PDF]: CCD Postdoc Fellow Yoo Sun Jung examines the transition of the dispute settlement mechanism (DSM) from the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
- Go Global: San Diego's Trade and Investment Initiative
Climate and Trade
Trade, Labor and Workforce Development
- Future of the Global Trading System: Trade and Labor [PDF]
- How Bureaucrats Represent Economic Interests: Partisan Control over Trade Adjustment Assistance [PDF]: CCD Postdoc Fellow Minju Kim examines how bureaucrats represent economic interests in her new paper.
- How to Make Redistribution Better: Could Universal Basic Incomes Help?: CCD Affiliate Paul Niehaus and co-authors address the question "How to make redistribution better: Could universal basic incomes help?"
- California Small Business and the Global Economy
- Better Law-making on AI Technologies in a Digital Age in a Complex Global Geopolitical Context [PDF]
- From AI to AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) Implications, Risks, and Strategic Autonomy for the European Union [PDF]
- The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF): What It Is, What It Isn’t, and What It Could Be [PDF]
- U.S.-Mexico Relations and Global Pharmaceutical Supply Chains [PDF]
- Summary of the CCD and IGCC Roundtable: The Future of Global Supply Chains The Next GVC Report [PDF]
- Conference on "What Future for the Global Trading System?" [PDF]
- Designing an International Economic Order: A Research Agenda [PDF]: CCD Director Renee Bowen and CCD Associate Director J. Lawrence Broz identify the current threats facing international organizations, discuss solutions to address these threats, and highlight methods of leadership for building a broad base of support in these institutions.
- Why Are Some Nations More Interested in Following China’s Global Economic Leadership Than Others?: UC San Diego's Center for Commerce and Diplomacy (CCD) Associate Director J. Lawrence Broz and co-authors address this question.
- Legalization of International Institutions and Its Discontents: Does WTO Disadvantage Big Powers? [PDF]: CCD Postdoc Fellow Yoo Sun Jung examines the transition of the dispute settlement mechanism (DSM) from the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
- Go Global: San Diego's Trade and Investment Initiative